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What Lures Should You Be Using To Catch Crappies?


How to Catch Crappies: The Best Lures for Success

Crappies may be small, but they are fun and satisfactory to watch. These fish have sharp and discerning eyes which means colorful and active lures. Whether you’ve been fishing for a while or just started on your angling journey, you may want to have a look at the lures that can catch this fish.

This article will cover some important cues for finding the best lure for you. As well as pointers on where and when to catch crappies.

What are Crappies?

This game fish is primarily small to medium size. An adult crappy weighs less than two pounds and is less than 10 inches long. Their size is the primary reason why it’s often become the introductory fish for many new anglers.

It’s also a popular food known as panfish, especially around the mid-eastern and south-eastern states. Of course, each state has different names for this fish. Louisiana native knows crappies as Sacalait, while New England knows them as Calico Bass.

Regardless of the name, this fish is fun to catch. You can enjoy fishing crappies all year round, but they are more challenging during the winter. One of the most popular methods to catch crappies is spider rigging. A fisherman will put multiple rods in different directions with different sets of lures to attract crappies at once. But if you only have one or two fishing rods and just want to catch several crappies for dinner, you need one of these lures to increase your chance of catching one.

Top 3 Lures for Catching Crappies

We have done our research and looking into the lures for catching crappies. Without naming any brands, these are the top three lures that will guarantee you catch crappies. Of course, the lure is only one of the factors. You also need to have the right skill and attitude to maximize your chance.


The most popular lure for crappies belongs to the jig. If you ask the anglers, almost 90% of them will say they use a jig to catch crappies. These lures are highly versatile that works in almost all kind of situations. It also works for multiple techniques and you also can attach soft plastics with a jig head to increase the chance even further.  Jigs also come in various colors and sizes. You just need to find one that will work in your favor.

Crappies tend to hide and go deep underwater during wintertime. In this case, you can use vertical jigging to lure them out. A vertical jig is dropping the line instead of throwing them to attract the fish. The lure may move slower but can reach deeper than regular fly fishing.


This bait is popular for anglers who are trolling for crappies. As you know, there are numerous techniques to catch a fish. Trolling for crappies means you’re letting the boat do most of the work. All you have to do is set the rods on the boat with the lines, equipped with a lure, in the water. Then you move the boat around at various speeds to catch crappies.

Crankbaits are perfect because they look like crappies’ regular diet. And when you troll or move the boat, these lures will move just like their diet. Hence attracting them even further.

Can you use crankbaits in a regular fishing technique? Of course, but they may be less effective since you need to constantly move them around to lure the fish to come closer.

Soft Plastics

This type of lure is popular because crappies find them attractive. Unlike jigs with solid fish-like or bait-like shapes, soft plastics are free-form. This unique shape allows them to run faster and attract crappies. And if you want to catch more crappies, you can attach a soft plastic lure on a jig.

Many people confuse soft plastics with jigs. And while some brands conflate the term or produce a jig with soft plastics, you need to know they are essentially two different sets of lures.

Tips for Choosing the Right Lure

Now that you know the lure types, here is to know which lure is best for you. Understanding where and when you want to catch this fish may affect the lure type and how successful you will be.

As you know, crappies are active during their mating period. This happens around late spring to early summer. During this period, you won’t have any difficulties catching crappies. But you need to know that each state has different regulations on fishing them. So make sure you know that you’ve been following the rules.

Different water also requires different lure colors. Some favorite colors are silvery, white, and even chartreuse and bright yellow to attract the fish. These colors work when the water is clear or mostly clear. But when it’s dark or a bit murky, you may want to be ready with darker color rules in brown and black. When you use the right lure with the right color, you can be sure that you will be filling your bucket with crappies soon.

When to catch crappies

The best thing about crappies is they are available all year round. So there is no hard and set rule on the best time to fish them. However, you can notice their movements in your area. This affects the type of lure that you will use.

Another information that comes with time is the water temperature. A colder temperature means rigging a jig is your best option. But when it’s warmer and you want to catch more fish, then crankbaits and jigs are a good combination. So even though you can catch them anytime, you still need to know this information to improve your chances.

Catching crappies require a combination of technique and lures. When you have both of them, you can continue catching them anytime you want. Remember that crappies are intelligent fish that are attracted to bright colors. Use it to your advantage and ensure you will catch crappies anytime you throw a line.

Are Bass Active In The Winter? The Surprising Answer!


Not many people know that winter bass fishing is a real thing. Most people think the fish is only active throughout the spring and summer. But despite the cold and almost frozen temperature, fishing in the winter may give you some of the biggest basses you will ever catch. So it’s time to tackle some myths on bass fishing in the winter as well as give you some pointers on where to start.

The Myth of Winter Bass Inactivity

Several myths about bass and winter are primarily because it’s cold-blooded animals. Therefore, most are going “dormant” or “inactive” in the winter. And that’s why people think bass are inactive for a whole season.

Another reason for this myth is that most bass stay in the deep rather than on the surface. Therefore, anglers who are used to fishing bass in a shallower area like in the summer won’t catch the same amount of bass.

But they still need warm water to get their meals. The only difference is the fish will not be as active in pursuing their target.

Are Bass Active in the Winter?

The short answer is yes, they are active in the water. The bass’ version of hibernation is by going deep when the temperature drops below 40 degrees. But even the most well-prepared bass are still following baitfish near the surface.

Being in the cold water means their movement is sluggish compared to their regular self. But you can rest assured that you will find bass up to 60 feet deep underwater. You also can follow baitfish or their regular pray schooling in a warmer area, as the bass will be waiting for them in the deeper adjacent area.

Winter Habits of Bass

After a while, you will notice some of their habits. Bass can be a creature of habit. You will know when the temperature drops just by looking at their activities. Naturally, they will go deeper than their usual depth. If the bass is usually around three-feet deep, then in the winter they will go down to ten feet or even lower.

Essentially, the bass has two habits you need to look out for, their location and feeding habits. You can use this information to catch bass easier than in other months.

Staying Deep

Some Bass may enjoy being active near the surface. But most of them will go to a deeper area to slow down their metabolism. This will affect the

Keep in mind that a river has a different depth than a lake. Some lakes can be as deep as fifty feet with bass active at ten feet and under. But rivers are less deep than a lake.

But depth is one thing that should be the least of your worry. On the contrary, you should use it to your advantage. The fish is less likely to go anywhere else.

All you have to do is to be patient and continue searching the lower banks. They are likely hiding near the bottom and won’t go anywhere else. With the correct lure, you will get a lot of basses just from scouting the deep water.

Feeding Habits

Being a carnivore means bass eats everything from small fish, crawfish, and some worms. But in the winter, they have to eat less and can’t be picky about their meals. There are no crawfish in the winter, and worms are likely to stay hidden. Their only option is the small fish.

These small fish are most often in a shallow area or already flying flat due to the temperature. Knowing these feeding habits can help you increase your success rate in catching bass. You can use a crawfish lure since bass enjoys them and they’re mostly unavailable in the winter. They will be like a kid and ice cream.

Tips for Catching Bass in the Winter

After knowing their habit, it’s time to put the knowledge into action and catch some bass in winter. You’re greatly mistaken if you think that you only have to resort to deep rigging to catch bass in the winter. Numerous techniques are doable and even improve your success rate. Two crucial things can set your success. They are choosing the correct lure and using it in the right location.


When fishing in the winter, you will want a small lure that can go deep. Bass can be quite cautious. And since it’s in the winter and they can get sluggish, you won’t have much success with larger lures. In addition to downsizing the bait, you also need to slow down the movement. There won’t be much fighting from the bass in the winter, so you can be more relaxed.

Your bait is best to be in a neutral color to resemble the baitfish in the habitat. But you also can use colorful soft plastic baits to get their attention. And because they are far in the deep, you need to get the best rig that is heavy enough to go deep, but still light to be near the surface.

Some of the most popular bait for winter bass fishing are jerk bait and head jigs. Some anglers choose to have a specific rig for their winter fishing and deep jigging.


If you have found a sweet spot when you’re fishing in the fall, the location may be still as sweet in the winter. Bass is looking for warm water, but they also prefer the deeper site to preserve their energy.

One thing you should know is water clarity. It can help you see the bass and another fish’s movement better, but it also tells you how deep the baitfish and bass will be. To some people, water clarity is a better determinant than temperature.

Winter gives a different challenge than fishing in other seasons. But it doesn’t mean impossible to catch a bass. Like most animals, they are less active for months. But when you know their habit and use the correct technique to get them, it will be a very rewarding experience to have.

Best Bait When Fishing for Largemouth Bass


Choosing the right equipment for Bass fishing is quite complicated, especially for you, the beginner of fishing rods. This is because there are so many choices of bait that are often used for bass fishing. No wonder this makes you confused about where to start. Now you do not need to be confused anymore. Here, we will tell you which baits you can be sure to attract sea bass without fail. Not only that, but with this bait, your fishing experience as a beginner will be fun and make you interested in fishing again. So, read until the end, and do not skip it. Here is the best bait when fishing for bass. Check this out!


This is one of the best fake baits which is popular among anglers. As the name suggests, this bait comes with a metal piece that continues to rotate to cause repeated reflections of light accompanied by vibrations very similar to the real fish. There are two types of spinnerbaits, namely, in-line spinner and tail-spinner. This bait is very effective for catching large-size fish, especially monster bass. How to use this bait is also very easy and suitable for you, the beginners. That is why it is recommended as the best bait when fishing for bass. You simply throw the bait toward the target using the rod and reel. After being thrown to the target spot and it has touched the water, pull it slowly. There is no set number of times you have to throw, just do it continuously until the fish is in hand. 

How does spinnerbait work?

The spinning metal parts of this spinner bait attract predatory fish by awakening the fish’s sensory system so that the fish can detect movement and vibrations around their bodies. Spinnerbait also can stimulate the fish’s sensors by producing sounds and flashes of light.


Next is the crankbait. This type of bait is also considered the best bait when fishing for bass. Crankbait bait can give the best results in fishing, even some anglers recommend this type of bait. Then, what is crankbait? It is an artificial bait made of wood or plastic that is made to look like a fish or a grasshopper. The shape of the crankbait is unique with a bulging body shape at the front, used as a ballast in front of it. Without this ballast, the crankbait will float on the water’s surface. 

As the name implies, the crankbait must be moved continuously to make it appear to move. This bait is designed to reach the bottom of the river or sea. Besides being designed with shiny leather parts, the bloated part inside its body is also added with a metal material that makes a sound when the bait moves in the water so that it attracts fish.

How to use crankbait?

So, how to use crankbait as the best bait when fishing for bass? It is no different from using a spinner bait, simply throw it far and slowly pull it, then kick it to get a diving bait effect. One secret you need to know. Drag the bait, and move it from right to left, and vice versa, so it looks like a real fish.

The next tip, for maximum results, the use of crankbait must be adjusted to the conditions and color of the water. For example, yellow or black crankbait would be more suitable in a clear pond. Meanwhile, you can use green crankbait when the water gets cloudy with mud. In essence, consider the color contrast to get the best results.

Plastic worm

Another one that is recommended as the best bait when fishing for bass is a plastic worm. This is one of the artificial baits for fishing for bass and is effective in temperatures of 65 degrees F, but not suitable for cold temperatures. The origin of plastic worms dates back to the 1950s when anglers in South America tried to make worms as bait, and it turned out to be effective for fishing. Well, this is where plastic worms became popular as artificial bait. 

How to use plastic worms?

For the plastic worm to function optimally as the best bait when fishing for bass, you must use the correct bait installation technique. One of the techniques using plastic worms is the Texas Rig. This technique allows you to get more bass compared to other techniques. It proves to be superior when fish are hiding in closed, murky terrain where only a few baits will do. It is also a “barrier-free” technique throughout its use due to its ability to pull fish out of dense vegetation, undergrowth, under piers, and between logs. Roll the reel gently so that the plastic worm moves upward like a living worm. Then, gently pull and leave. Move it around so the soft plastic tail attracts the fish.

Next up is the Carolina technique. Plastic worms as the best bait when fishing for bass with this baiting technique can be used for bass fishing in shallow water and close to aquatic plants. However, it is more effective in deep water away from areas densely covered with aquatic vegetation, such as hedgerows, pits, and at the margins of aquatic vegetation. For more effectiveness, try using brass weights for a loud sound when they hit wood or rocks. Wind the thread by pulling gently and intermittently touching the base. The floating bait will swim up and down behind the ballast while sinking bait will move quickly on the bottom.

Another technique that is no less effective is the wacky rig. This is the simplest technique, but it can give good results. All you need is a hook and soft bait like plastic worms, the best bait when fishing for bass. This technique requires a soft bait that is not attached to ballast and only attaches a hook through the center of the bait. This will fall slowly over the edge of the shallow aquatic vegetation and into the pockets. The best way to apply this technique is to pull slowly and still, causing the bait to fold, flap, and vibrate as it drops down. If you want your bait to reach fish in deeper water, you can add weight to this technique.

A Beginner’s Guide To Lake Fishing


Fishing in a lake is easily a favorite among many anglers, especially beginners. This popular pastime covers activities in nature, even though it can be daunting for beginners. But you shouldn’t worry, we have all the tips on how you can utilize the gears and make lake fishing more productive and enjoyable. Here are some tips for a successful day

Benefits of Lake Fishing

The main benefit of lake fishing is becoming one with nature. You also can share the experience with your family and loved ones. Many people enjoy going to a lake for fishing. It’s hardly about the catch and more about the experience.
If you care about the catch, then you should know that lake fishing is also a form of exercise. As you need to throw the line and the fish will fight for their life. Some freshwater fish can be feisty and drain your energy as you try to catch them.

Understanding the Lake

You must understand the lake. This includes its jurisdictions, area-at-large, depth, and other details. Some lakes in the states are part of the national park. If you’re still a beginner, these lakes are your best bet since you can rely on the ranger as your guard.
But most importantly, you understand the lake’s topography, whether it has rocks or primarily grass bottoms. Including how far is the shallow area. And don’t forget about the other details, such as the rocks, wind speed and movement, and the weather in the area.

The Types of Fish

Remember, the different lake holds a different type of fish. While some may overlap or share the same habitat. Therefore, be careful when you’re looking for a specific fish.
Some popular fish in lake fishing are bluegill, crappie, largemouth bass, carp, and channel catfish. Even though they share the habitat, each fish have different preferences. Lucky for you, most lakes hold minnows or other baitfish. So you can have some fresh live bait from the lake.

Essential Lake Fishing Gear

The fun part about fishing is carrying the essential fishing gear. Most anglers have a dedicated box for all of their fishing equipment. Therefore, a tackle box is one of the essential gears to have. Even if you don’t want to carry a box around and prefer to make do with whatever you have, you still need this box for your substitute gear.

Fishing Rod and Reel

Freshwater fishing can be challenging. But the correct fishing rod and reel can bring you all the fish in the lake. As a beginner, you need a rod and reel combo that is light enough until you are comfortable using it. Then you can get a more advanced rod.
If you have fished several times, but still consider yourself a beginner, you can carry two or three rods on ina fishing trip. This is especially good for when you are trolling to catch fish.

Fishing Line

As a beginner, you may have heard from your friends about the best fishing line. But most anglers agree that you should start with an 8-pounds line. This will give a good motion in the water and also be light enough to reel in. This line is also strong enough to catch most of the fish.

Tackle Box and Baits
Other than the rod, a tackle box is one of the most popular gears for anglers. When someone carries a tackle box, you may quickly assume they are a fellow angler like you.
A tackle box can carry a lot of things. Most anglers only use it for baits, lures, and hooks. But you also can use it for other small items such as the reserve lines.
Carrying several sizes of hooks to match your target fish is always a good idea. In general, you must carry at least one hook between sizes 6 to 10. This size range covers the medium-sized hooks that are perfect for most freshwater fish.
When it comes to bait, you should get one that also works for minnows and other baitfish. It’s great when you suddenly run out of bait or want to try using live bait.

Techniques for Lake Fishing

Several techniques are good for lake fishing. Since you’re still a beginner, you can use either trolling or fly fishing. These two techniques are not only popular but also very beginner friendly.


Trolling means you are using the boat’s movement to catch the fish. This technique uses several rods attached to the boat with the lines in the water. As you move the boat slowly, the lure will move along and attract fish.
The thing with trolling is some states banned this technique. So it’s best to double-check the regulation before you take your boat out for trolling.

Fly Fishing

Opposite from trolling, there’s fly fishing which relies more on how you carry the line than the lure. Fly fishing can be a bit complicated to start with. But since it’s similar to the regular fishing technique, it’s easy to learn.

Safety Tips for Lake Fishing

A lake can be as deep as fifty feet or more. Even though you’re fishing from the shoreline, you still have to be careful. And double your effort when you fish from a boat or kayak in the middle of the lake.
Wearing a life vest is not a joke when you’re doing exercise near or on the water.
Another safety tip that you need to know is to wear bright-colored gear if you’re fishing in a lake that is located in the forest. If the lake is part of a national park, make sure you keep a communication line open and ready
The final tip is to stay cautious. Be ready for all situations, including if you get lost or run into an unfavorable situation.

Generally, lake fishing is safe and good for beginners. So if you’re looking for a new outdoor activity that can keep you calm and relaxed, this one is for you. So hurry up, grab your rod and tackle box and schedule a fishing weekend with your family.

A Beginner’s Guide to Pond Fishing: Necessary Gear and Tips


Pond fishing is a fun activity and great for beginners. If you want to have some fun while relaxing, then this is the one for you. Some of the fish may provide some challenges, but overall, you have a bigger chance to catch a fish there even though it’s your first time fishing.

What is Pond Fishing?

A pond is commonly a water reservoir or a small basin to hold the water. It’s usually become a natural habitat for some fish. Most people often conflate a pond with a lake, because technically an artificial lake is a pond. But forgetting the semantics aside, you need to remember that a pond can be on private land. Things may be a bit complicated since you need to obtain a permit. But once you cleared the issue, you can fish at ease.
Fishing in a pond is perfect for a family weekend. You can set up a camp and fish with your family. Maybe even host a small competition among all of you.

Pond Fishing Basics

Here are some tips you need for your first time fishing in a pond. And even if it’s not your first, these tips work great as a reminder of what you need to catch more fish.

Preparing for Your Fishing Trip

Always prepare for the trip beforehand. Even professional or expert anglers will still have some preparations before they go on a fishing trip. They’re not simply taking their rods, and lure box, and going to a pond. They have prepared everything they need to know. Here are what you need to do in part of your preparation.

Researching Your Pond

This is crucial since you need to know what types of fish are available in the area. Measure the distance and other essentials. You may be looking for an adventure, but you shouldn’t forgo your basic comfort at least.
Researching also means looking into the vicinity and obtaining the necessary permit. Don’t forget to measure your time and distance from your vehicle. And learn the pond’s topography as well. Fish availability often depends heavily on the area’s topography. This leads us to the next point, finding the best location to fish.

Finding a Location

So you have found the pond, but do you know where you will fish? If you choose the wrong location, you are likely to leave empty-handed. You need to consult your notes before you decide on a pond. The topography tells you where is the best location to find the fish.
Again, different fish enjoy a different part of the pond. Some fish enjoy the depth more, while others prefer the shallow water. Even though you set your mind to catching a specific fish, you need to be ready for your bait to catch the other fish.

Setting Up Your Gear

The next preparation is setting the correct gear. This is also crucial since the right setup will improve your success. Setting and preparation may feel overwhelming, but it’s imperative to catch more fish from the pond.
Your gear may range from the fishing chair, hat, vest, and other paraphernalia. Ensure that all of them are still in working condition and ready to carry. However, you shouldn’t forget the essentials gears, As it won’t be fishing anymore if you forget them.

Essential Gear

Of course, you need some essential gear for fishing. Even though you’re new in the fishing world, at the very least, you know the best rig to use in the pond. Still clueless about the rigs? Feel free to experiment with the available options. You can always consult an expert to know which is best. But eventually, If you are still clueless about the rigs, feel free to experiment with the available options.
Think about everything that may affect your chance of success. This includes the fish, seasons, weather, and timing. The ideal weather to fish is when the sky is clear with minimum to no wind. At any rate, in an ideal condition, you still need to mix up how you cast your line to get the fish.
Some essential gears you should not forget include the correct rule in a well-prepared tackle box, a good rod with a sturdy line, and the right reel size.
Your rod should be between 6′ to 7′ in length and a light-medium one. This is the best size for a beginner as you can adjust and get a lighter or heavier one with time. Most stores already sell the rod in tandem with the reel and lines. So you can buy a complete package.
Want to choose different gears? No problem. Most professionals at the store know what build is the best for the fish you want to catch. They will look for the best combination for you. Keep an open mind when you take their input, as they are more knowledgeable than you.

Tips for Beginners

Being a beginner doesn’t mean you can ignore fishing etiquette. Ensure that you are keeping your noise down and come ready to take on the fish. Have your bucket and ice box ready for the fish.
If you plan to go fishing with your children or make it a family activity, you should have live bait ready. it will make the experiment even more fun for the whole family. You can take turns setting the bait to the hook or preparing the bait. These live bait also can attract various fish so you don’t have to change the bait constantly.
One thing you should remember is to not overfish the pond. If your catch is a young fish, it’s best to let them back into the water. Give them time to grow for you to fish them next year. There will be plenty of opportunities that you can use later.

Go to the nearest pond and start fishing. Don’t forget to carry your fishing gear for beginners. You will have a lot of fun while relaxing and spending time there. Take your family along and have one of the best weekends you all can have.

Best Bait For Fishing At Night


Did you know that some fish are more active during nighttime? Fishing at night can be challenging, but it’s also a great way to catch more fish. Just like day fishing, night fishing also requires good bait to make it successful. Therefore, here are the baits that you should use when you’re going for a night fishing.

What is Night Fishing?

Night fishing doesn’t only refer to the time when you fish. It’s also about when, where, and what types of fish you can get. Another thing that most people overlook is that it takes more confidence in one’s skill to do night fishing.
Compared to daytime fishing, you may need more preps for night fishing. In addition to the usual fishing gear, you also need to have lamps ready. If you plan to do night fish for freshwater fish, then put a small camping gear on your list. At any rate, you need to ensure that you put your safety above the idea of catching the fish.
Also, even though it’s called night fishing, you can start fishing when it’s dusk. If you choose to do night fishing in the summer, you can have the sunshine as the natural light until it’s finally dark. But the rule of thumb is to start before it’s dark. This is also a preventive in case you need to adjust your plan.
Night fishing has numerous benefits. The fish are more predictable, you can enjoy nature alone or with minimum people are just some of the obvious benefits. But it also holds some danger since some predators are also nocturnal. You should check on the area before you start doing night fishing. You also can join a group of recreational anglers who are experienced in fishing at night.

Why You Should Try Night Fishing

So why do night fishing? Again, some fish are more active at night. You also can see nature in a different light, pun intended, when you fish at night. The tides’ movement and other natural forces play a bigger part at night than during the day.
Fishing at night also means the water will have a cooler temperature. This is crucial if you’re angling for colder-water fish. It’s also crucial when you fish in the summer since the fish will be more likely to take the bait at night.
Most fish are also more attracted to lights. So when you do night fishing, it’s easier to lure them to see your bait. You can use the light to shine a specific area where your baits are ready. And then comes the fun part.

The Best Bait for Night Fishing

You can do night fishing for freshwater or saltwater fish. Each has different challenges. But in general, the fish are attracted to the light so you need to use it to your advantage. Here are the best baits that you should use to ensure your night fishing success.

Live Bait

If you prefer live bait, make sure that you are ready before you start fishing. Keep the bait in an ice container to keep them fresh. You also need to calculate if you have enough bait to catch the fish. Since you’re fishing at night, you don’t have time to catch more live bait.
Freshwater fish loves shiners and worms. You can’t go wrong with these two live baits. Ensure that you have enough supply in your pack and keep them nearby since some nocturnal animals also enjoy worms. Some fish also enjoys insects as bait.
As for the saltwater fish, you can use cut squid and fish. Some professional anglers prefer to catch their baits fresh from the ocean to lure their fish. Saltwater fish prefers fresh baits, and these professionals understand that. If you want to enjoy saltwater night fishing, you can do what the professionals do. But it’s okay if you come up with your ice box full of fresh fish as bait.

Artificial Bait

Anglers who use artificial bait for night fishing are mainly freshwater anglers. These baits are economical and they can use many times over. But the primary benefit of artificial bait is that they come in various colors and shapes.
You can use any type of artificial bait to catch the fish. But the most popular ones are topwater spinners and jigs. This is because these baits have similar movements to their usual diet. The fish will see it and chase the bait as if chasing their meal.
Topwater spinners for night fishing can be a deadly combo when you combine them with the smart use of the lamp. Use the light to direct the fish where the topwater bait is. Since the bait looks attractive above the surface, the fish won’t hesitate to come closer. Use this opportunity to catch the fish immediately.
One artificial bait that is a staple for night fishing is the ribbon-tailed worm. This bait will guarantee you more fish since it’s agile and active underwater. Many anglers can swear their lives on success when using this bait. A major benefit of using ribbon-tailed worm is you can combine it with any style of a rig to bring a bigger fish.

How To Choose The Best Bait For Night Fishing

Your preference plays a part in choosing the best bait for night fishing. If you are uncomfortable with cutting squids and fish for live bait, you can use artificial bait instead. But there are other things you need to know when choosing the lure for night fishing.
Color is the ultimate key to good bait. Fish is smart enough to notice the bait. Some fish may prefer colorful bait, while others prefer the most natural-looking one. To catch more fish, you need to understand their thoughts and preferences before turning them to your benefit.

Night fishing may not be for everyone. But it’s a unique and challenging activity that you will enjoy. Many anglers have switched from being regular daytime anglers to night fishing specialists. Whatever that is, you know yourself well. And that includes doing night fishing.

Best Bait For Bass During Summer Months


Do you know? Time is very influential on your fish catch. No matter how sophisticated your fishing equipment is, your hard work will not pay off if you choose the wrong time.

As you already know, fish are cold-blooded creatures. So, its activity is very dependent on the temperature of the surrounding water. How about sea bass? Sea bass will be very active in warmer water. So, can you fish for bass in the summer? It can be. However, they will dive deeper to find colder places in the hot weather. The trick: go back to the original rules. Choose the right time. You need to know that in Summer, sea bass will eat right before sunrise and before sunset. Apart from that, you also have to provide good bait. So, you can attract fish, even in deep waters. What is the best bait for bass during summer months? These are what professional anglers recommend.

Top water/ popper

Topwater or popper never fails to captivate anglers and be the best bait for bass during summer months. How could that be? This bait is very effective for fishing fish around the surface. What is topwater? This is a bait that floats on the surface and makes a splashing sound when pulled. This time, it was created with modifications from its original form. Top water/poppers are generally used for popping techniques; round and elongated in shape with slight indentations on the front and back and have a bowl-like indentation in their mouths. This is where the splash of water will sound “pop.. pop..” and attract the bass to come.

This bait is usually used in the morning before sunrise when the bass is playing on the surface. How best to fish for bass using topwater? Avoid jerking the rod too fast, right when the bait is struck by the fish. This will cause the bait to be thrown out of the fish’s mouth before the hook stick. Therefore, first feel the pull of the fish grabbing your bait, then jerk your rod so that the hook sticks perfectly.


Swimbait is a type of artificial bait that is made to resemble fish in three dimensions. It is also the best bait for bass during summer among professional anglers. This is included in the type of sub-surface and diving baits/ lures. This bait is suitable for use during the day in the summer, when the bass dive deeper because this bait has diving power to the middle of the water depth, around 30 cm to 2 m. The specialty is that this bait can move and vibrate like the movement of small fish in the water.

How does it work? Its use is also easy enough. You only need to roll the strings, then the bait will work by itself. The secret lies in the shape of this bait, starting from the head, body, the tail. So, the three parts of the swimbait are connected by a device that helps the other parts move. Once the bait is placed in the water, the head, body, and tail will move like a live fish.


Like a swimbait, the minnow is also an artificial bait included in the subsurface and diving bait categories. Minnow was always working in the water, moving around like little fish. This minnow is created with various characters. There is a floating type that can only sink a little below the water’s surface. There is the shallow type which is not much different from the floating type, to the deep type which can reach a depth of 3m to 7m. Therefore, the minnow is included in the ranks of the best bait for bass during summer months.

The minnow is an artificial bait whose material can be made of wood or plastic. The shape resembles a fish. At the mouth of the fish, there is a protruding tongue made of iron plates, commonly called lips.

Minnow had the same great action as the previous two passes. The minnow’s action depends on its lips and usually dives in a snaking motion like a swimming fish. Usually, the hook is on the stomach and the tail using a treble hook. Meanwhile, the proper fishing techniques to use with this bait are trolling and casting. Just roll the strings, and then it will work by itself.

Chatter Bait

Another bait that is a mainstay for summer fishing is Chatter bait. What is chatter bait? Chatter bait is a type of bait consisting of a blade and a hook as the main element, which can effectively attract fish in even muddy, deep waters. Because of how it works, it’s no wonder that professional anglers include chatter bait in the ranks of the best bait for bass during the summer months.

What are the advantages of this chatter bait? This type of bait can attract bass using color, vibration, movement, and sound. The vibrations and sounds produced by the blades have proven effective in attracting large fish.

When is the best time?

The chatter baits fishing technique which is referred to as power fishing is very popular with anglers. Why is that? Because this technique allows you to catch large amounts of fish in a limited time. Fishing using chatter bait is usually done at night. The powerful vibrations of the chatter bait and the lack of light reduce the fish’s vision, making the fish inevitably move to the edge.

How to fish with chatter baits?

With the blade it has, the chatter bait is great for use in waters filled with dense grass. As I said before, the blade of this chatter bait is capable of producing extraordinary vibrations. Therefore, sea bass will be attracted to come to you even if they don’t see your bait which is blocked by grass. Indeed, in this phase, chatter bait will often get stuck in the grass. But, herein lies its strength. Drag your rod fast and make the sea bass bite your bait. Strike!!

Use These Common Lures To Catch More Freshwater Fish


Shout out to Novice Anglers! Use These Lures to Catch More Freshwater Fish!

Fishing activities can indeed be done anywhere, including in the river. The fish you can get when fishing in the river are also quite diverse, for example, snakehead fish, catfish, tilapia, goldfish, etc. Fishing in the river also does not only have to use natural bait. You can also use artificial bait called lure instead of natural bait. Most lures sold in the market are made of plastic and metal. However, there are also those made of wood, such as poppers and jump frogs. Before I recommend you use these lures to catch more freshwater fish, let’s get to know the different types of lures based on the material they are made of first.


This lure is usually made of soft plastic. You can find it easily on the market. This material is often used as a choice because it tends to be more durable. In addition, the shape of this artificial bait is also more varied and resembles the original form. Starting from the shape of small fish, worms, grasshoppers, crickets, frogs, squid, or crayfish that are very attractive to fish.


This type of bait has a stable weight and smooth surface, so it can overcome obstacles in the air and water. Thus, the fishing bait becomes easy to throw and stays stable in the water.

Several types of metal materials are commonly used for lures. First is lead. This is the most common material used to make fishing lures. When used in water, the speed of this lure is slow. However, this still performs well when used for fishing in shallow waters. That is why you can use these lures to catch more freshwater fish in the river. The second is tungsten, the heaviest metal for fishing lure material. This material has a high sinking speed and is very stable in water. Tungsten material can help you detect fish bites more easily. Next up is tin. This type of bait is easy to throw at long distances. It is also able to maintain the balance of the rod when used for fishing, even without an additional pendulum. And then the last one is aluminum, considered the lightest and easy to move with the water currents.


Non-metallic materials used to make lures include wood, fiber, and resin. These materials tend to be easily formed into artificial bait. Types of lures usually made from non-metallic materials are minnow and froggy.

So, those are the different types of lures based on the materials you need to know about them. Then, what lures are suitable to use these lures to catch more freshwater fish? Previously, you need to know your fishing target in freshwater, so you can determine the right lures. Generally, the targets when fishing using artificial bait in freshwater are predatory fish such as scorpions and snakehead fish. However, all-eating fish such as tilapia can also be fished using artificial bait.

Well, here are some types of lures that are very suitable for freshwater fishing. Check this out!


As the name suggests, froggy is an artificial bait designed as closely as possible to a frog. With this frog-like form of artificial bait, you can already guess what your target is, right? Yep, that’s right! You can use these lures to catch more freshwater fish, fishing for cork and toman fish.

The most popular types of froggy are jump-frog and soft-frog. Soft-frog is used for casting in swamps or lakes full of wild plants, such as kale, water hyacinth, persimmon, etc. Meanwhile, the jump-frog is designed to fish snakehead fish and toman fish because its action resembles a frog jumping across a lake.


Referring to its name, this lure has a shape resembling a spoon head. This type of artificial bait can spin and glitter. Spoon is very suitable for casting in fresh waters with fast currents, such as in rivers. Use these lures to catch more freshwater fish, like the hampala fish, and the mahseer fish. Even, tilapia will also grab these lures.


There are two types of pencil lures, namely, walk the dog or often called WTD, and swimmer. Both names are taken based on the action. The name WTD refers to this lure’s ability to swim right and left like a dog being walked by its owner. This lure is very suitable for fishing for hampala fish. While swimmer refers to its action which is like a fish swimming in the water. The swimmer is perfect for fishing for fish in rivers with very fast currents and lots of rapids.


Poppers have been very popular lately and are in great demand among freshwater anglers. Will these lures increase your catch? Not necessarily. But it could be yes if your target is right. You need to know, poppers have the ability to make quite loud sounds and splashes of water which will actually make small fish run scared, even though these fish are predatory fish. However, large predatory fish, such as hampala fish, snakehead fish, and toman fish will feel challenged and curious. Hence, use these luresto catch more freshwater fish, like hampala, snakehead fish, and toman fishas they would pounce on this lure with ferocity.

Frog soft lure

This soft lure is designed in a shape resembling a real frog with an attractive color, specifically for fishing for snakehead. This lure is made of elastic rubber. You can use it in shallow water as it is quite light, both in cloudy and clear water.

Paddle soft lure

This type of lure is ideal for casting fishing in rivers, lakes, and swamps. The shape of this lure is unique and is similar to a curved paddle. The material is made of lightweight plastic which makes it easy to float in water and is suitable for tricking fish in shallow waters. This lure is very easy to use. So, for you novice anglers: use these lures to catch more freshwater fish!

10 Ways To Catch More Largemouth Bass


Since largemouth bass is one of the most popular freshwater game fish, you need to have a strategy ready to ensure your success. The bass family can give you a run for your money. They are active and challenging when you don’t know how. Therefore, here are ten proven techniques to improve your success in catching largemouth bass.

What Are Largemouth Bass?

Largemouth bass is a freshwater carnivore fish native to the Northern American region. They are common around southeastern Canada until northern Mexico. But they are also available worldwide.

They are active fish, especially during feeding time, largemouth bass is notorious for their fights. However, they can give you an experience you won’t forget.

10 Proven Strategies to Catch More Largemouth Bass

These strategies come from professional and recreational anglers alike. Most of them agree that these strategies helped them on catching more largemouth bass. It’d be great if you can utilize all of these strategies. But don’t fret when you can only do one or two for now. Along with time and experience, you will feel more comfortable doing these strategies.

Target Prime Structure

You need to know where is the primary structure in the area. It ranges from grass beds, rocks, coves, and others. Largemouth bass tends to hide in these structures. If the water clarity is still good, you can look at their movements to predict the next move.

Always pay attention to the areas that may be a favorite for the bass. They are likely to stay and hide there. Then it’s up to you to lure them out from hiding with the right bait.

Use the Right Lure

While there may be no magic lure that can catch all types of bass, there are lures that are more effective than others. When you are looking for a lure, you need to consider several things, mainly water clarity, depth, and temperature.

When you fish in cold water, you need a lure that can go deep to lure the bass out. Your favorite lure colors matter more than their material.

Change Up Your Presentation

Changing up a presentation is one of the crucial things to ensure your catch. Just like how you can read a bass, the fish can be smart enough to separate their actual meal with bait. Therefore, you need to change up your presentation a bit.

The presentation covers several things including noticing the fish, how you cast your rod, using the lure to bait the fish, and more. You don’t have to change up all of these aspects, only some minor adjustments to confuse the fish a bit and make them less cautious.

Fish at the Right Time

Timing is key to catching largemouth bass. You need to know when the fish are more active and when they are sluggish so you can take advantage of them. Of course, it depends on your personal preferences. If you enjoy some challenges, then fish in the morning to noon, when the sun is high, and the fish are actively hunting for food.

If you choose to do night fishing, you need to already have some areas in mind before you go. You should start fishing when there is still some light and the sun hasn’t set.

Take Advantage of Opportunities

Whenever you see an opening, never hesitate to jump on it. Bass can be predictable after a while. So you should notice their habit after a while.

Several things that you can use to notice are the water clarity and depth.As soon as you notice a bass hiding, waiting to catch the bait, that’s when and where you should use the lure to bait them.

Utilize Live Bait

Live bait is always a better option than an artificial one. But it doesn’t mean you must use live bait every time you fish. Sometimes, an artificial one works better, especially if you’re a beginner and have only started feeling out of the fish habit. After you can control your presentation better and catch some fish, you can move up to use live bait to catch largemouth bass.

Work the Bottom

Most bass enjoys exploring the bottom of the lake or river. Therefore, it’s best if you work your way up. Scour the bottom area to know where the fish gathers. Numerous mobile apps can help you recognize and understand the contour of the lake or river.

Match the Hatch

Here’s another tip that you can use to catch largemouth bass. Using the bait that looks like their natural prey. That means no bright pink crawfish or bright pink and blue shiner. Using baits that look like their natural prey will raise the chance for the bass to fall into the bait.

This strategy works great whether you’re fishing in murky or clear water. But it shows a better result when you use it in murky water.

Exploit Shallow Water

There are two ways for you to utilize shallow water. The first is a shallow area with good water clarity where the bass is visible. And the other is when you’re fishing in the winter and following the shallow water for the baitfish.

Stay Mobile & be Patient

Catching a largemouth bass is an adventure that you should enjoy. So you need to move around the lake or body of water to find your sweet spot. However, you need to be patient and spend some time on the spot. That’s the only way to tell if the fish will come at your bait.

Being patient doesn’t mean you only sit there idly, waiting for the bass to come. Learn how to cautiously move the bait to attract the fish without raising suspicion. It may take some time, but it will be worthwhile.

So how is it? Are you ready to catch more largemouth bass? You can adjust these tips to match your overall style. These strategies only cover the basic that any anglers from all levels of expertise can practice. So don’t be afraid and go catch some fish!

Best Bait for Bass Fishing During the Fall Season


If you’re new to the fishing world, you must know that autumn is the favorite season for many anglers. The season is perfect since most fish are being more active, preparing for the upcoming winter. But choosing the right time is not enough. You need the right bait to get more fish. Don’t be afraid about having some trials and errors. We’re here to

Why Is Fall The Best Season for Bass Fishing?

Most fish being active during fall is only one of the numerous other reasons why it’s the best season. The primary reason is that you will catch bigger and fatter bass. This is because fall is when they’re bulking up for the winter. They need to survive the cold winter months, hence their binge eating during the fall.

Cold temperature also means the bass groups more often. You will have an easier time catching them since they become far more predictable than usual.

Best Baits for Fall Bass Fishing

So what is the best bait to catch bass in the fall? Technically, all bait that suits your fishing style is the best one. But if you’re still looking into the options, you can check the list below.

Lipless Crankbaits

The best thing about lipless crankbaits is that you can use them all year round. And if your fishing spot is flat and calm water, crankbaits will work like magic. Another reason to love this bait is that bass recognizes them from afar. Yes, this bait can cover a large area so you can cast it as far as you can.

Another good thing about this bait is that you can still use it until the winter. This is because lipless crankbait is a weighted lure that will sink naturally. Some bass welcomes the prey that is underneath them as it means an easy catch. You just need to pay attention to the vegetation or large rocks to prevent getting stuck.

Alabama Rig

Technically, it’s not bait. But Alabama rig means you can have multiple bait and hook at once. It’s a lighter version of an umbrella rig that is common in saltwater trolling. You can utilize this rig and have your favorite lures to attract more bass.

And because it gives an illusion of active, small prey, you can rest assured that bass will come at you immediately. However, an Alabama rig may be illegal in your state. So you need to check with the local regulations to know if you can use it or not.


Since the bait can look like a group of shiners to the bass, it can be quite versatile when you know how to utilize it. Being in autumn, you may need to ante up your fishing game. Unless you’re trolling for bass, you need to alternate the technique before you eventually catch a bait.

With spinners, you can lure the bass that is near the surface as well as those that are swimming deep. When the temperature drops in the fall, just cast the lure a bit deeper. Spinner can do the job for you easily.

Catch the bass’s attention by rolling the spinner slowly. It will look like a small group of shiners.


When we talk about using a topwater lure for fall fishing, we’re talking about a topwater walker. Being a primarily surface bait, you can use the dog-walking technique and have the lure zig-zagging near the surface. It will attract the bass due to the actions.

This lure works great when you use it near or on a small school of shiners that lurk in the water. Run the lure near the edge or under the dock to catch their attention. Make sure you time the cast and movement to arouse their curiosity.

Another topwater variation that you should try is the buzz bait. It’s unusual because it creates a buzz and ripples on the surface without scaring the fish away. It looks a bit strange, but it works great. You can use buzz bait when you fish in the early morning, or when you opt for evening or night fishing.

Soft Plastics

You may think soft plastics are only good for spring and summer fishing. But it’s good for autumn as well. You may compete with fewer anglers, but they tend to flock to a specific area. A soft plastic bait can help you catch more fish as it will stand out among the other bait. Whether you join the flock or fish solo, you are likely catching a bass sooner than usual.

The best thing about soft plastics is that it comes with numerous designs from worm-like to crawfish or other bright-colored shiners. You can test out and alternate between each color and shape will give you the biggest bass.

Some Extra Tips

So you have chosen the bait and geared up, ready for fishing. Here are some more extra tips to increase your success rate in catching a big bass.

The first is to pay attention to the time and temperature of the day. Paying attention to the weather forecast will help you a lot.

Some colder days mean you need a different type of bait to reach a new depth. Remember, colder days don’t always mean bad. It only means you need to cast your lure deeper.

Now you know that bass tends to go deep in cold temperatures. So during the fall, you need to find a shallow cover that is deep water adjacent. A dock or a small cover is often the answer. Of course, you can follow fellow anglers and go fish in the same area. But if you want a little more peace, then you need to find another area.

You can have all types of bait in this list. Maybe you already have some of them as your favorite. There’s nothing wrong with having several types of baits in your box. Autumn may require you to be smarter at using the lure. But we guarantee that you will soon love fishing in the fall.