Best Bait When Fishing for Largemouth Bass


Choosing the right equipment for Bass fishing is quite complicated, especially for you, the beginner of fishing rods. This is because there are so many choices of bait that are often used for bass fishing. No wonder this makes you confused about where to start. Now you do not need to be confused anymore. Here, we will tell you which baits you can be sure to attract sea bass without fail. Not only that, but with this bait, your fishing experience as a beginner will be fun and make you interested in fishing again. So, read until the end, and do not skip it. Here is the best bait when fishing for bass. Check this out!


This is one of the best fake baits which is popular among anglers. As the name suggests, this bait comes with a metal piece that continues to rotate to cause repeated reflections of light accompanied by vibrations very similar to the real fish. There are two types of spinnerbaits, namely, in-line spinner and tail-spinner. This bait is very effective for catching large-size fish, especially monster bass. How to use this bait is also very easy and suitable for you, the beginners. That is why it is recommended as the best bait when fishing for bass. You simply throw the bait toward the target using the rod and reel. After being thrown to the target spot and it has touched the water, pull it slowly. There is no set number of times you have to throw, just do it continuously until the fish is in hand. 

How does spinnerbait work?

The spinning metal parts of this spinner bait attract predatory fish by awakening the fish’s sensory system so that the fish can detect movement and vibrations around their bodies. Spinnerbait also can stimulate the fish’s sensors by producing sounds and flashes of light.


Next is the crankbait. This type of bait is also considered the best bait when fishing for bass. Crankbait bait can give the best results in fishing, even some anglers recommend this type of bait. Then, what is crankbait? It is an artificial bait made of wood or plastic that is made to look like a fish or a grasshopper. The shape of the crankbait is unique with a bulging body shape at the front, used as a ballast in front of it. Without this ballast, the crankbait will float on the water’s surface. 

As the name implies, the crankbait must be moved continuously to make it appear to move. This bait is designed to reach the bottom of the river or sea. Besides being designed with shiny leather parts, the bloated part inside its body is also added with a metal material that makes a sound when the bait moves in the water so that it attracts fish.

How to use crankbait?

So, how to use crankbait as the best bait when fishing for bass? It is no different from using a spinner bait, simply throw it far and slowly pull it, then kick it to get a diving bait effect. One secret you need to know. Drag the bait, and move it from right to left, and vice versa, so it looks like a real fish.

The next tip, for maximum results, the use of crankbait must be adjusted to the conditions and color of the water. For example, yellow or black crankbait would be more suitable in a clear pond. Meanwhile, you can use green crankbait when the water gets cloudy with mud. In essence, consider the color contrast to get the best results.

Plastic worm

Another one that is recommended as the best bait when fishing for bass is a plastic worm. This is one of the artificial baits for fishing for bass and is effective in temperatures of 65 degrees F, but not suitable for cold temperatures. The origin of plastic worms dates back to the 1950s when anglers in South America tried to make worms as bait, and it turned out to be effective for fishing. Well, this is where plastic worms became popular as artificial bait. 

How to use plastic worms?

For the plastic worm to function optimally as the best bait when fishing for bass, you must use the correct bait installation technique. One of the techniques using plastic worms is the Texas Rig. This technique allows you to get more bass compared to other techniques. It proves to be superior when fish are hiding in closed, murky terrain where only a few baits will do. It is also a “barrier-free” technique throughout its use due to its ability to pull fish out of dense vegetation, undergrowth, under piers, and between logs. Roll the reel gently so that the plastic worm moves upward like a living worm. Then, gently pull and leave. Move it around so the soft plastic tail attracts the fish.

Next up is the Carolina technique. Plastic worms as the best bait when fishing for bass with this baiting technique can be used for bass fishing in shallow water and close to aquatic plants. However, it is more effective in deep water away from areas densely covered with aquatic vegetation, such as hedgerows, pits, and at the margins of aquatic vegetation. For more effectiveness, try using brass weights for a loud sound when they hit wood or rocks. Wind the thread by pulling gently and intermittently touching the base. The floating bait will swim up and down behind the ballast while sinking bait will move quickly on the bottom.

Another technique that is no less effective is the wacky rig. This is the simplest technique, but it can give good results. All you need is a hook and soft bait like plastic worms, the best bait when fishing for bass. This technique requires a soft bait that is not attached to ballast and only attaches a hook through the center of the bait. This will fall slowly over the edge of the shallow aquatic vegetation and into the pockets. The best way to apply this technique is to pull slowly and still, causing the bait to fold, flap, and vibrate as it drops down. If you want your bait to reach fish in deeper water, you can add weight to this technique.