What Lures Should You Be Using To Catch Crappies?


How to Catch Crappies: The Best Lures for Success

Crappies may be small, but they are fun and satisfactory to watch. These fish have sharp and discerning eyes which means colorful and active lures. Whether you’ve been fishing for a while or just started on your angling journey, you may want to have a look at the lures that can catch this fish.

This article will cover some important cues for finding the best lure for you. As well as pointers on where and when to catch crappies.

What are Crappies?

This game fish is primarily small to medium size. An adult crappy weighs less than two pounds and is less than 10 inches long. Their size is the primary reason why it’s often become the introductory fish for many new anglers.

It’s also a popular food known as panfish, especially around the mid-eastern and south-eastern states. Of course, each state has different names for this fish. Louisiana native knows crappies as Sacalait, while New England knows them as Calico Bass.

Regardless of the name, this fish is fun to catch. You can enjoy fishing crappies all year round, but they are more challenging during the winter. One of the most popular methods to catch crappies is spider rigging. A fisherman will put multiple rods in different directions with different sets of lures to attract crappies at once. But if you only have one or two fishing rods and just want to catch several crappies for dinner, you need one of these lures to increase your chance of catching one.

Top 3 Lures for Catching Crappies

We have done our research and looking into the lures for catching crappies. Without naming any brands, these are the top three lures that will guarantee you catch crappies. Of course, the lure is only one of the factors. You also need to have the right skill and attitude to maximize your chance.


The most popular lure for crappies belongs to the jig. If you ask the anglers, almost 90% of them will say they use a jig to catch crappies. These lures are highly versatile that works in almost all kind of situations. It also works for multiple techniques and you also can attach soft plastics with a jig head to increase the chance even further.  Jigs also come in various colors and sizes. You just need to find one that will work in your favor.

Crappies tend to hide and go deep underwater during wintertime. In this case, you can use vertical jigging to lure them out. A vertical jig is dropping the line instead of throwing them to attract the fish. The lure may move slower but can reach deeper than regular fly fishing.


This bait is popular for anglers who are trolling for crappies. As you know, there are numerous techniques to catch a fish. Trolling for crappies means you’re letting the boat do most of the work. All you have to do is set the rods on the boat with the lines, equipped with a lure, in the water. Then you move the boat around at various speeds to catch crappies.

Crankbaits are perfect because they look like crappies’ regular diet. And when you troll or move the boat, these lures will move just like their diet. Hence attracting them even further.

Can you use crankbaits in a regular fishing technique? Of course, but they may be less effective since you need to constantly move them around to lure the fish to come closer.

Soft Plastics

This type of lure is popular because crappies find them attractive. Unlike jigs with solid fish-like or bait-like shapes, soft plastics are free-form. This unique shape allows them to run faster and attract crappies. And if you want to catch more crappies, you can attach a soft plastic lure on a jig.

Many people confuse soft plastics with jigs. And while some brands conflate the term or produce a jig with soft plastics, you need to know they are essentially two different sets of lures.

Tips for Choosing the Right Lure

Now that you know the lure types, here is to know which lure is best for you. Understanding where and when you want to catch this fish may affect the lure type and how successful you will be.

As you know, crappies are active during their mating period. This happens around late spring to early summer. During this period, you won’t have any difficulties catching crappies. But you need to know that each state has different regulations on fishing them. So make sure you know that you’ve been following the rules.

Different water also requires different lure colors. Some favorite colors are silvery, white, and even chartreuse and bright yellow to attract the fish. These colors work when the water is clear or mostly clear. But when it’s dark or a bit murky, you may want to be ready with darker color rules in brown and black. When you use the right lure with the right color, you can be sure that you will be filling your bucket with crappies soon.

When to catch crappies

The best thing about crappies is they are available all year round. So there is no hard and set rule on the best time to fish them. However, you can notice their movements in your area. This affects the type of lure that you will use.

Another information that comes with time is the water temperature. A colder temperature means rigging a jig is your best option. But when it’s warmer and you want to catch more fish, then crankbaits and jigs are a good combination. So even though you can catch them anytime, you still need to know this information to improve your chances.

Catching crappies require a combination of technique and lures. When you have both of them, you can continue catching them anytime you want. Remember that crappies are intelligent fish that are attracted to bright colors. Use it to your advantage and ensure you will catch crappies anytime you throw a line.